Monday, July 30, 2012

music monday

howdy there!  this week it's my turn to do music monday and i decided to go a bit country on ya'll!  welp, here it goes!  today's song is...

*drum roll please*

wanted by hunter hayes  

i'm seriously in love this song.  it reminds me a bit of what makes you beautiful {you know, by that band, one direction}, but in country!!!  {just the way the lyrics make you feel.  does that make sense?!}  oh well, there you go!

♥, sarah

Monday, July 23, 2012

MuSIc mOnDAy!

Hello Goodbye by The Beatles

Who doesn't love a classic? I sound like such an oldie, but I really love this song,
you should listen to it TOO.
Also, to me the Glee version is pretty awesome too!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Music Mondays Tell About

So we are going to start up something called "Music Mondays", (which if you follow Sarah's blog you know all about.) Anyways... basically Music Mondays is just spotlighting a specific song and telling about why it's awesome. So stick around tomorrow for it.

l'n's <3

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

starting out

hello, we are liz and sarah, sarah and liz, whatever you want to call us.  sometimes we go by ELIZAbeth and ggbear.  

so we know that this is just a little blog, with little to-no-publicity, but even beethoven started small. so, that's where we stand.  

welp, hope you like our blog and more to come soon!  thanks!

♥, l 'n' s