Tuesday, July 17, 2012

starting out

hello, we are liz and sarah, sarah and liz, whatever you want to call us.  sometimes we go by ELIZAbeth and ggbear.  

so we know that this is just a little blog, with little to-no-publicity, but even beethoven started small. so, that's where we stand.  

welp, hope you like our blog and more to come soon!  thanks!

♥, l 'n' s 


  1. Congrats on your blog! How many do you have now? haha. I guess you can never have too many blogs can you! They are awesome!:)

    1. haha! i know, i was thinking that just a second ago.. let's see i have... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6! woah. the sixth one doesn't even show up unless i click "view more." i wonder if there's a blog limit and if i'll ever hit it. haha.

      ♥, sarah

  2. Hi sarah congrats too on it but hey ur nevr too old to have a blog( or in this case blogs)

  3. Hi sarah congrats too on it but hey ur nevr too old to have a blog( or in this case blogs)

  4. Hi sarah congrats too on it but hey ur nevr too old to have a blog( or in this case blogs)
